Child Care Family Fee Rate Calculator

CD-ICW Income Calculation Work Sheet

Weekly (52 Pay Periods Annually)

  • Gross monthly income is the four weeks average times 52 weeks divided by 12 months

Parent A

Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ (((weekly1 + weekly2 + weekly3 + weekly4)/4)*52)/12 | number:2}}

Parent B

Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ (((weekly1B + weekly2B + weekly3B + weekly4B)/4)*52)/12 | number:2}}

Every Two Weeks (26 Pay Periods Annually)

  • Gross monthly income is the pay period average times 26 pay periods divided by 12 months

Parent A

Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ (((biMonthly1 + biMonthly2)/2)*26)/12| number:2 }}

Parent B

Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ (((biMonthly1B + biMonthly2B)/2)*26)/12| number:2 }}

Twice Monthly (24 Pay Periods Annually)

  • Gross monthly income is sum of two pay periods

Parent A

Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ twiceMonthly1 + twiceMonthly2 | number:2 }}

Parent B

Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ twiceMonthly1B + twiceMonthly2B | number:2 }}

Monthly (12 Pay Periods Annually)

Parent A

Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ Monthly1 | number:2 }}

Parent B

Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ Monthly1B | number:2 }}

Fluctuating (Use for Seasonal, Migrant, Agricultural, Fluctuating)

  • Add all paychecks received in the prior 12 months
  • • Gross monthly income is 12 months worth of income divided by 12 months

Parent A

12 months worth of income   $   Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ Fluctuating/12 | number:2 }}

Parent B

12 months worth of income   $   Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ FluctuatingB/12 | number:2 }}

Other Sources of Monthly Countable Income

Public Assistance   $
Disability/Unemployment   $
Workers Compensation   $
Spousal Support   $
Child Support   $
Survivor Benefits   $
Retirement Benefits   $
Dividends/Interest   $
Rental Income   $
Financial Assistance for Child   $
Veterans Pension   $
Annuity/Pension   $
Inheritance   $
Housing Included in Pay   $
Auto Included in Pay   $
Grants/Scholarships Living Expenses   $
Insurance Settlements   $
Net Gain From Property   $
Other Income   $

Total Countable Income: ${{ ((((weekly1 + weekly2 + weekly3 + weekly4)/4)*52)/12) + ((((weekly1B + weekly2B + weekly3B + weekly4B)/4)*52)/12) + twoWeeks1 + twoWeeks2 + twoWeeks3 + twoWeeks4 + twoWeeks1B + twoWeeks2B + twoWeeks3B + twoWeeks4B + ((((biMonthly1 + biMonthly2)/2)*26)/12) + ((((biMonthly1B + biMonthly2B)/2)*26)/12) + twiceMonthly1 + twiceMonthly2 + twiceMonthly1B + twiceMonthly2B + Monthly1 + Monthly1B + (Fluctuating/12) + (FluctuatingB/12) + PublicAssistance + Disability + WorkersComp + SpousalSupport + ChildSupport + SurvivorBenefits + Retirement + Dividends + Rental + FinancialAssistance + Veterans + Annuity + Inheritance + Housing + Auto + Scholarships + Insurance + Property + Other | number:2 }}