Child Care Family Fee Rate Calculator
- 1. Please contact your Program Quality Implementation Consultant if you have questions about how fees are calculated, a list of the PQI Consultants are listed here:
- 2. Please contact the CDMIS team for technical or functionality issues with the calculator by email at
CD-ICW Income Calculation Work Sheet
- • Twice-monthly pay cycles are usually 15 days or longer from the 1st - 15th and the 16th -30/31st
- • Twice-monthly salaried wage stubs will often show 86.66 or 86.67 under the "hours" section
- • Every-2-weeks pay cycles are usually 14 days and begin on the same day of the week and end on the same day of the week per pay cycle
- • For migrant workers, monthly gross income is computed by averaging the total gross income received during the previous 12 months and is NOT recalculated until the next annual recertification
Weekly (52 Pay Periods Annually)
- Gross monthly income is the four weeks average times 52 weeks divided by 12 months
Parent A
Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ (((weekly1 + weekly2 + weekly3 + weekly4)/4)*52)/12 | number:2}}
Parent B
Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ (((weekly1B + weekly2B + weekly3B + weekly4B)/4)*52)/12 | number:2}}
Every Two Weeks (26 Pay Periods Annually)
- Gross monthly income is the pay period average times 26 pay periods divided by 12 months
Parent A
Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ (((biMonthly1 + biMonthly2)/2)*26)/12| number:2 }}
Parent B
Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ (((biMonthly1B + biMonthly2B)/2)*26)/12| number:2 }}
Twice Monthly (24 Pay Periods Annually)
- Gross monthly income is sum of two pay periods
Parent A
Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ twiceMonthly1 + twiceMonthly2 | number:2 }}
Parent B
Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ twiceMonthly1B + twiceMonthly2B | number:2 }}
Monthly (12 Pay Periods Annually)
Parent A
Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ Monthly1 | number:2 }}
Parent B
Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ Monthly1B | number:2 }}
Fluctuating (Use for Seasonal, Migrant, Agricultural, Fluctuating)
- • Add all paychecks received in the prior 12 months
- • Gross monthly income is 12 months worth of income divided by 12 months
Parent A
12 months worth of income $ Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ Fluctuating/12 | number:2 }}
Parent B
12 months worth of income $ Calculated Gross Monthly Income: ${{ FluctuatingB/12 | number:2 }}
Other Sources of Monthly Countable Income
Disability/Unemployment $
Workers Compensation $
Spousal Support $
Child Support $
Survivor Benefits $
Retirement Benefits $
Dividends/Interest $
Rental Income $
Financial Assistance for Child $
Veterans Pension $
Annuity/Pension $
Inheritance $
Housing Included in Pay $
Auto Included in Pay $
Grants/Scholarships Living Expenses $
Insurance Settlements $
Net Gain From Property $
Other Income $
Total Countable Income: ${{ ((((weekly1 + weekly2 + weekly3 + weekly4)/4)*52)/12) + ((((weekly1B + weekly2B + weekly3B + weekly4B)/4)*52)/12) + twoWeeks1 + twoWeeks2 + twoWeeks3 + twoWeeks4 + twoWeeks1B + twoWeeks2B + twoWeeks3B + twoWeeks4B + ((((biMonthly1 + biMonthly2)/2)*26)/12) + ((((biMonthly1B + biMonthly2B)/2)*26)/12) + twiceMonthly1 + twiceMonthly2 + twiceMonthly1B + twiceMonthly2B + Monthly1 + Monthly1B + (Fluctuating/12) + (FluctuatingB/12) + PublicAssistance + Disability + WorkersComp + SpousalSupport + ChildSupport + SurvivorBenefits + Retirement + Dividends + Rental + FinancialAssistance + Veterans + Annuity + Inheritance + Housing + Auto + Scholarships + Insurance + Property + Other | number:2 }}